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Missing, Presumed

Missing, Presumedby Susie Steiner

Missing, Presumed, by Susie Steiner is an armchair mystery novel that tells the tale of a fictional high profile disappearance case in Cambridgeshire, England. Edith Hind, daughter of Lady Miriam Hind and Ian Hind, a prominent London physician, suddenly disappears without a trace.

The apartment she shares with her fiancé, Will, shows signs of a struggle: broken glass is strewn about and there are droplets of blood on the floor, but there is no sign of Edith.

Enter Detective Sergeant Manon Bradshaw, senior investigator on the case- she knows the first 72 hours are critical to finding a missing person, but after questioning of the likely suspects including fiancé Will, best friend Helena, and Edith’s parents, she comes up empty.

The story delves deeply into each of the characters, switching back and forth between them, so we see each person’s perspective on the case, while learning about their personal lives. The novel explores most deeply the character of DS Bradshaw, a respected member of the police force, but as we follow her foray into internet dating her insecurities and vulnerable side are revealed.

As the characters are developed, so the mystery unravels, giving the reader clues, red herrings and twists – all characteristics of a good mystery that keeps you guessing until the end.

Many reviews and listings of this book point to it as the beginning of a series. I would certainly be looking for more if that is the case, as I really enjoyed the storyline and its interweaving of the characters I met along the way.

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