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Book One: FoundlingSeries: Monster Blood Tattoo

by D. M. Cornish

Set in the rich fantasy world of Half-Continent, this novel is a mix of fantasy, horror and steampunk. I found myself rooting for Rossamund Bookchild, a young orphaned boy with a girl’s name, who wishes for monster hunting adventures on the high seas only to be tasked with the mundane future of being a lamplighter. He lives in a dangerous world of predatory beasts, combated by old-tech weapons like flintlock pistols as well as advanced innovations in alchemy and surgically enhanced humans. With pages filled with detailed maps and drawings, Cornish gives life to a world so complex that it comes with an appendix and lexicon. Adventure, mysterious villains, steadfast friendships and no romance this longer read is a good alternative for a younger advanced reader. If you enjoyed this title be sure to read the rest of the series, and these readalikes: The Edge Chronicles by Paul Stewart, The Immortal Secrets of Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott and Airborn by Kenneth Oppel.  Recommended Reading: Ages 10 – 12