Loan Policies

Loan Policies

The library no longer charges fines for late returns. We rely on you to return your items on time to ensure all customers have equal access to our collections.

Cardholders are responsible for charges for lost or damaged items. Replacement costs are charged to purchase new material. We do not accept replacement books.

The replacement cost is the price listed in the library item record. We do not charge additional processing fees or late charges on lost or damaged material at the time of payment.

If after paying for a lost item and it is found, it may be returned within 30 days of payment with receipt.

If a library item is 21 days overdue, the item will be billed and the replacement cost will be charged to your library account.

Borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended if your account has a billed item (21 days overdue) or more than $10 in charges. Customers may borrow again once the billed items are returned or paid for.

Get A Library Card

Library cards are free for British Columbia residents. Complete the following steps to get your card:

  1. Fill out the » Library Card Application Form
  2. Bring one piece of photo identification, and proof of your current address, to any branch of the Richmond Public Library to receive your card. » Library Branch Hours & Locations

If you are from outside of British Columbia, please visit any RPL branch with your ID and ask for a visitor card.

Looking for a specific title? Explore our collections! Can’t find a title you need? We’ll bring it in for you. Learn how.

Are you having trouble logging into your library account? Find out more here.

Do you know how long you can keep your library materials for? Find out here.

Did you know that you can borrow up to 30 library materials at one time? Certain limits apply.

Can’t find a book on shelf? You can place a hold. Learn how.

Need to keep your borrowed library materials longer? Learn how to renew them here.

Did you lose your card? Find out how you can get one here.

Finished your book and ready to return them? Find out how here.